Powermeals blog | Recipes and nutrition

betteryou: discover the best version of yourself

Written by Isabel | Jan 23, 2024 10:08:39 AM

At Powermeals we're introducing off a new blog series, investigating some of the best nutrition resources that Switzerland has to offer. From learning how to eat well, to exiting new Vegan ingredients, our team will be deep diving into some of the innovation going on in Switzerland. 

To kick everything off, this week we're visiting betteryou in Zurich, an analysis and coaching centre specializing in diet and sport. We also interviewed Benjamin Signer, the founder, who agreed to answer our questions. But first, a little background.

So what is betteryou?

To find out more about the concept, Laetitia, one of our team members headed to their centre in Zurich for a personalised session. Here's how it works...

1. The tests

First, they put you through a series of physical tests (be prepared to hop on an exercise bike!). These tests are scientifically recognized methods used in competitive sports and cardiology that give the betteryou specialists an insight into your genetic characteristics and detailed data on your current state of health and fitness.

2. Analysis

betteryou's nutritionists then analyse the results to identify areas for improvement, and plan how to reach your full metabolic potential. With simple examples and explanations, they showed how our mental and physical health is linked to our diet, exercise and lifestyle. We left the session, feeling a lot more knowledgeable about the inner workings of our body. 

3. Coaching

After the analysis, come the advice and coaching. The nutritionists work with you to find solutions that are adapted to your goals, your analysis and, above all, that can be implemented in your daily life. These measures are useful and targeted specifically for you. When it comes to nutrition, they advise you on the optimal composition, quantity and structure of your diet, all shared in a helpful summary sheet that will be going straight on the fridge. 

And that's all just step one, if you continue with betteryou, they'll regularly adapt your plans, so you never plateau and can become the best version of yourself. 

Our verdict? We came away with a better understanding of our bodies and some great advice. We were very well looked after by Benjamin, and the team at betteryou, who showed an amazing understanding of nutrition and really peeled back the curtain on how to improve our health.


Our discussion with Benjamin

What was your mission when betteryou was founded?

Today's society has increasingly high expectations of us. Our diaries are full of appointments. Time pressure and hustle and bustle shape our daily lives. There is an overabundance of information on diet, nutrition and training. All this is a source of stress and insecurity, and affects our well-being.

That's why betteryou's mission is to help people achieve their individual goals through in-depth analysis of diet and sport.

We stand for quality of life, pleasure and satisfaction, and we do everything we can to help our customers achieve these values. At a time when the desire for self-improvement is on the rise, it's important for us to support our customers in this process.

And what does your team look like today?

Behind betteryou is a team of four consultants made up exclusively of certified nutritionists. The team members specialize in different areas. Tatjana Zaugg specialises in weight management in sport and nutrition in illness, Sue Menzi specialises in cycle nutrition and nutrition in illness, Nilan Fernando specialises in sports nutrition and nutrition for young people, and I specialise in plant-based nutrition and nutrition for endurance sports.


Can you tell us about your customers' objectives?

Our customers' objectives are extremely varied, from a focus on health (improving sleep, digestion or energy levels), to improving their figure or to optimizing their sporting performance.

Are there common challenges too?

We often find that our customers neglect their body's basic needs because of their hectic daily lives. This means that they place heavy demands on their bodies throughout the day, often on top of intensive training. At the same time, the body is deprived of necessary nutrients at crucial times. Although the body can cope with this on certain days, long-term deficiency leads to burn out. In other words, performance and well-being will suffer increasingly over time.

In contrast, the right diet helps to promote physical and mental health, increase resistance to disease and enhance personal performance.

What advice would you give to people looking to improve their diet?

Try not to get too lost in the jungle of nutritional details and drive yourself crazy. If the basics such as diet structure and calorie balance are right, you've already come a long way. If you then focus on unprocessed, balanced meals, your diet will be just fine.

Especially during periods of increased physical activity (including intellectual activity), it's essential to eat proactively (eat first, do later) and cover your needs. This means that caloric intake must be geared to ensuring that the body receives the amount it also burns during the day.

Thanks to our data-driven working method, we are able to closely monitor our customers' success curves from one date to the next. This enables us to make appropriate adjustments where necessary, and at the same time helps motivation. As a source of inspiration for future customers, we have compiled some outstanding consulting success stories under the following link:  https://better-you.ch/erfolgsstories/

What's your favourite dish, and how do you make it healthy?

I also like to eat pizza from time to time. But with a clear conscience. I'm inspired here by Paracelsus' dictum, still valid today:

"Everything is poison and nothing is without poison; the dose alone makes a thing not a poison".

If you'd like to find out more about their program, please visit their website. The entire betteryou team will be delighted to provide you with information and welcome you!


About Powermeals

We are a home meal delivery service. You order on our website, we cook with fresh, seasonal ingredients, we send it to your door, and all you have to do is enjoy it!