Recipes and nutrition

Bowls of processed foods

Processed food: what is it and why avoid it?

Many of us have been told to stay away from “processed foods” to eat healthier. However, it can be difficult to know where to draw the line. Are raisins unhealthy because they’ve been dried? Do we need to stop eating cheese or olive oil? Read on to find out what we really mean when we talk about processed foods and their health concerns.

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Girl smiling, sitting cross-legged on sofa & working on a laptop

Your language guide for shopping in Switzerland.

With 4 national languages, plus a high proportion of English and Portuguese speakers, a trip to the supermarket in Switzerland can be an overwhelming experience, and that’s before you even start trying to unpick nutritional labels. In fact, over 40% of the adult population regularly use more than one language. But don’t worry! Here’s our guide to understanding some of the signs and labels you’ll come across in supermarkets and grocery stores around Switzerland.

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Watch us on RTS

Want to see what it's like behind the scenes in our kitchen? Last week an RTS film crew came and did just that. You can watch our segment on "A bon entendeur" below.

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Cajun chicken meal being eaten at a desk

Top 10 healthy office lunch ideas

It can be hard to know what to pack an adult for lunch. But, taking lunch to work has many advantages, from saving money to eating healthier. Below we’ve summarised some of our favourite ideas on how to get a healthy lunch to the office, without spending hours cooking.

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The Veganuary challenge

Veganuary is an annual challenge to follow a vegan lifestyle for the month of January. It was first started in 2014 to raise awareness of veganism and its potential benefits. Since then the movement has grown significantly with over half a million people expected to take part in Veganuary worldwide in 2022.

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