Low-carb meals: should you make the switch?

Eating low-carb meals can have many health benefits, from losing weight to avoiding the post-lunch slump. Find out what meals to avoid and get tips for getting started.
What counts as a low-carb meal?
Low-carb meals should contain less than 25g of carbohydrate for a healthy portion. A low-carb or keto diet doesn’t have to mean eating less, but instead focusing on which ingredients you use. This means avoiding sugary food and replacing high carb ingredients like bread, pasta and potatoes with alternatives such as beans, meats and vegetables.
You should still be able to get plenty of nutrients and proteins when eating only low-carb meals. For example, at Powermeals we make sure our low-carb dishes also contain on average 26g of protein.
Why choose a low-carb diet?
There are many reasons for choosing a low-carb diet. The most common is weight-loss as cutting down on carbs is a great way to lose weight without having to eat less. For this reason, weight loss meal delivery can be a convenient and effective option for those following a low-carb diet.
A high protein, low-carb diet (as opposed to a keto diet) can also reduce fat and improve muscle tone, making it a favourite of some body builders. Some people also find they can think more clearly and have more energy when eating low-carb foods.
There is some evidence of more significant health benefits, for example in treating certain neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Avoiding high-carb foods can also be beneficial in managing metabolic problems such as diabetes and can help reduce the risk of heart disease.
What are the best low-carb recipes?
If you’re looking for low-carb recipe ideas, here are a few of our favourites:
- Shrimp curry & cauliflower Biryani rice
- Chicken salad with asparagus & feta, bulgur with fennel
- Meatloaf & Aubergine parmigiana
- Cauliflower risotto with artichokes and lemon
- Poached eggs, confit fennel & lemon soy beans
For more ideas visit our menu and filter for low-carb.
What foods are filling but low in carbs?
Being on a low-carb diet doesn’t mean you have to go hungry! There are plenty of foods that can help make you feel full without piling on carbohydrates. Avocado is full of healthy fats and a whole avocado only contains about 15g of carbohydrate. Vegetables such as aubergine or broccoli are also safe for a low-carb diet even when eaten in quantity.
For breakfast you could consider a hardboiled egg, Greek yoghurt or a grapefruit as low-carb options which will help keep you full till lunchtime.
It’s also worth getting some low-carb snacks. Most nuts and seeds are low in carb and contain healthy vitamins as an added benefit. If you’re craving fruit, a handful of raspberries contains less than 2.5g of carbohydrate.
What food has protein but no carbs?
If you’re on a low-carb diet there are still lots of ways to get all the protein you need. If you’re a meat-eater, most meats and fish will be high in protein without adding too many carbs to your plate. Other animal products such as eggs or cheese are also great. In particular look out for Greek yoghurt brands that advertise high protein and low fat.
For plant-based high protein options, seeds and soy beans are a good choice. You can also get protein from certain vegetables such as kale and spinach.
Get started on a low-carb diet
If you want to try out a low-carb diet but aren’t sure where to start we can help! Subscribe to Powermeals and get 3 to 14 low-carb meals delivered direct to your door each week.